Success Story
Reflexologist – Angela Robinson
“Trying to conceive has been a long journey, 9 years including my previous marriage. I had to go into hospital to have an ovarian cyst the size of a melon removed, and it was during this operation that the consultant discovered that I had severe endometriosis. After the op he told me that my chances of conceiving naturally were only 5%, and I would need IVF if I had any chance of having a baby. We agreed to 2 rounds of IVF which both failed. The thought of another round of IVF terrified me, the thought of another failed attempt crushed me, however, we decided we’d have one more attempt in the summer. I’d heard about Reproflexology from a friend who had got pregnant after 3 treatments. I went to see Angela Robinson, and to my massive surprise, after 6 treatments I found I was pregnant. The only thing I did differently was the Reproflexology. Our daughter is now 3 years old and this is a dream come true for us. If my story helps even one person, I’ll be happy.”
Lauren Smith