About Us

Privacy Notice

This is the privacy notice of The Association of Reproductive Reflexologists (ARR) in accordance with
the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Barbara Scott and the ARR Board Members including the Membership Secretary will be collecting
data on behalf of the ARR.

The ARR collects the following information from Members: names, email addresses, postal
addresses, and telephone numbers in order to contact you in relation to Association membership,
to support and to send out certificates and purchases from the ARR. Other information including
Social Media pages may be on our database if added by the Member.

Details of your reflexology qualification and insurance are collected to ensure that you comply with
regulations that reflexologists practising on the general public are insured to do so. Contact details
and social media account names are taken in order to advertise your availability and qualification to
practice Reproflexology™.

The above information is obtained through Seren Training (Seren Natural Fertility) and the ARR
website and will be retained by The ARR indefinitely unless you request it to be removed. This is so
that there is a permanent record of those who have undertaken the necessary training to become
members and so that members can take breaks in their membership without having to provide
proof of eligibility upon each membership application.

The information of full members will be available on the ARR website under the ‘Find a Reflexologist’
function. If you wish for this to be removed please contact the ARR membership secretary Nicola
Stewart via email.

Your rights in relation to information that The ARR holds can be found here:


If you have any questions or complaints please contact the Chair of the ARR, Barbara Scott via email

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