Association of Reproductive Reflexologists

Raising Standards in Reflexology for Fertility

Do you need help with fertility?

Why not try Reproductive Reflexology?


What is Reproductive Reflexology?

Reproductive Reflexology (or Reproflexology™) can be used as a stand-alone treatment to enhance your natural fertility, or with all forms of assisted conception including Clomid, IUI, IVF and ICSI. It can also be used to support individuals and couples using surrogacy or donors in IVF cycles.

Members of the Association of Reproductive Reflexologists (MARR) are specially trained, using structured and prescriptive treatment protocols, to support couples through all phases of their assisted conception programme.

The Association of Reproductive Reflexologists undertook a data collection study of 180 clients (age 24-46), who were receiving reproductive reflexology whilst trying to conceive.

Here are the results:

Natural Conceptions

Conception with IVF/ICSI

Average no. of Treatments


Conceived whilst receiving Treatment


Pregnancy with IVF/ICSI


Success Stories

Success Story

Success Story

Reflexologist - Angela Robinson "I cannot thank Angela enough for her fantastic treatments. After suffering a miscarriage and struggling to conceive, I became pregnant after 2 treatments of Reproflexology. I would not hesitate to recommend her to anyone." Shelley Kingsley

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Success Story

Success Story

Reflexologist - Angela Robinson "I can’t thank Angela enough for her lovely relaxing treatments. She is extremely knowledgeable, professional, supportive and caring. She advised me on the best things for my personal experience, and within 3 treatments I became pregnant! Without Angela’s help I could still be waiting! Can’t thank her enough..... highly recommended!"

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Success Story

Success Story

Reflexologist - Angela Robinson "Trying to conceive has been a long journey, 9 years including my previous marriage. I had to go into hospital to have an ovarian cyst the size of a melon removed, and it was during this operation that the consultant discovered that I had severe endometriosis. After the op he told me that my chances of conceiving naturally were only 5%, and I would need IVF if I...

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Our Blogs

Infertility And Fibroids

Infertility And Fibroids

Infertility And Fibroids by Finola at Loving Touch therapies    Fibroids - also called 'Myomas or Fibromyomas' that are made up of muscular and fibrous tissue. They are benign non-cancerous growths in or on the muscular wall (myometrium) of the womb, and are the most common structural abnormality of the uterus. They can vary in size from as small as a pea to the size of a melon. If severe...

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How lockdown created a change in direction

How lockdown created a change in direction

How lockdown created a change in direction by Isobel Fowler It happened very suddenly. I was in Portugal enjoying a weekend break when the threat of coronavirus began to get serious. Cafes and shops were starting to shut down. Soon after, booking cancellations started to roll in. Firstly, from clients who suffer with chronic illnesses, they didn’t want to cancel, but their doctors had advised...

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Trying for a Baby? Try Relaxing Reproflexology

Trying for a Baby? Try Relaxing Reproflexology

Trying for a Baby? Try Relaxing Reproflexology by Zoe Oughton   Oh, the excitement and anticipation of trying for a baby. You’re young and in love. Maybe you’ve moved into your first family home. You’re ready. You’re already planning the nursery, the pram, the adorable little outfits… Sadly, it’s not always that easy and trying to conceive (or TTC if you’re a member of one of the many...

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Train to become a Reproductive Reflexologist

Reproflexology™ is taught by Seren Natural Fertility and comprises of two parts, each course over two days.
Research and Case Studies are used outside of the course to support this.

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